Why the Brembo Brake System Is Unbeatable According to Brembo!
Brembo brakes might not be the only high-performance braking system out there, but they are one of the most widely recognized and most reputable, even if you don’t know much about cars.
Brembo braking systems combine unequalled performance and braking comfort.
A must have if you
...own a high-performance road car such as Corvette, Porsche, Lamborghini or Ferrari....
...want to successfully brake from 62 mph to 0 in just 2.2 seconds
...drive with more precision, greater braking torque, the ability to dissipate and repeatedly brake aggressively with no issue
...a more safety-conscious and quality conscious motorist
...want to significantly improve braking performance
But how is it possible for a standard braking system to achieve such abrupt braking?
Here are 5 ingredients of the Brembo braking systems that determine unrivalled performance.
1) Dimensions
2) Lightness - Best Weight to Stiffness Ratio
3) Friction Material
4) Systemic Approach
5) Braking Distribution
Lets Break It Down According to Brembo!
1) Dimensions
The dimensions of the brake pad also count. The reason is found in the heat exchange: a wider pad facilitates the disposal of heat and reduces the inclination of the braking system to fade and therefore makes it possible to apply the brakes often in quick succession compared to a smaller pad. Also, the number and diameter of the caliper pistons is directly proportional to the braking torque. Both act on the clamping force and hence the greater the clamping force of the caliper the greater the capacity of the caliper will be to exert a force on the pads and the more effective the braking will be.
2) Lightness - Best Weight to Stiffness Ratio
Again in terms of lightness, the Brembo brake calipers are able to guarantee the best weight / stiffness ratio thanks to specific design methods designed to achieve the utmost optimization of the shape and thanks to a long and laborious testing phase both on the bench and on the road). The Brembo fixed calipers, in addition to their characteristic performance and design, are able to confer weight reduction and residual torque advantages to the cars, resulting in lower fuel consumption and therefore lower emissions.
3) Friction Material
As previously explained, the friction coefficient affects the braking torque. In terms of friction material, the compound with which the pads are made is not to be underestimated. Brembo brakes are made of a high-friction material to optimize braking power. Brembo has a dedicated structure for the study and production of brake pads, which aims to produce this fundamental component of the braking system, along side the more traditional calipers and discs that historically characterize Brembo's know-how. Thanks to constant research, today Brembo is able to develop brake pads with "tailor-made" materials for each individual braking system, ensuring the maximum degree of integration between pad, disc and brake caliper.
When brakes begin to overheat they can warp or cause brake failure, and while this is uncommon in more popular cars that you see on your daily commute, it is a potential problem when you are trying to stop a car going at faster speeds.
4) Systemic Approach
A braking system consists of several components that must work together with the highest level of integration and efficiency possible to ensure reliability, comfort and durability over time. Brembo can now guarantee this full integration thanks to its exclusive system approach, which entails the in-depth knowledge of all the elements involved in the braking action.
5) Braking Distribution
Just as in competitions, effective braking on the road does not depend solely on the characteristics of the front system. Especially for the more sporty cars, characterized by a more balanced distribution between the two axles, the rear braking system is of major importance. To obtain breathtaking braking, the rear braking system must also be studied in detail. And that's exactly what happens on the most important sports cars that choose Brembo braking systems at the front and rear to ensure optimum braking balance and reduced stopping distances.
Every Car Deserves Brembo!
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